As a church, we desire to see every man, woman, and child live a fulfilled and victorious life. Our vision and church structure revolve around the five universal purposes of God for Man and the Church. These are Worship – Matthew 4:10, Fellowship – Ephesians 2:19-22, Discipleship – Colossians 1:28-29, Ministry (Service and Fulfilment) – Matthew 22:37-40, Missions (Outreach and Evangelism) – Mark 16:15. Living a Life of Purpose is about engaging yourself with this Divine Plan for your life, as you seek to worship God in truth, have a sense of belonging, and actively grow to be Christ-like, exercise your gift and talents in serving others and participate in reaching out to others. We Worship as Members and Growth in Ministry and Mission. We Worship As Members and Growth in Ministry and Missions.
At Faith Chapel Network Global, we want to welcome you into our church family and get to know you better, identify with you, and help you fulfil your assignment in life while experiencing the Will of God in every area of life. Life is meant for sharing. God intends for us to experience life together – worship together, share, grow together, serve together and reach out together. We passionately believe every member can be a minister.
As a True Church Without Walls. There are several ways to get involved. These ministry areas are constantly being developed and improved, please ask for more details. Majority of Ministries that are traditionally operated in the local assembly are very adaptable to Church Without Walls. Remember, we are not against meeting in physical venues. We do this from time to time, as required, to facilitate what we do.
- Faith Chapel Network Ministry
- Pastoral / Care Ministry
- Missions Department
- Church Administration Department
- Children’s Ministry
- Youths’ Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Arts & Media Ministry
- Protocol Department
- Facilities and Hospitality
- Prayer Ministry
- Campus Ministry
- Family Life Ministry
- Benevolence Ministry
- Prison Ministry
- Street Ministry
- Well-being and Recreation Ministry
- Ministers Ministry
Home Connect Life Groups
Our Home Connect Life Groups make up the fundamental ministry structure of Faith Chapel Network Global and Ministry and help us meet our core purposes of Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministries, and Missions. Connect Groups held in homes across the City and surrounding areas. We believe that this will grow over time across the UK and other nations of the world. The meetings are held weekly and have the following objectives:
- They provide an opportunity for sharing and learning in an interactive forum.
- They provide an opportunity to invite someone to our meetings as the first point of contact within their local community/area.
- They provide an opportunity for us to care for members in a local area and to fellowship and connect regularly.
- The monthly social connections provide an opportunity for fun, relaxation, and other initiatives unique to a specific group.
We continue to work towards strong and active Home Connect Groups, collectively making up the Faith Chapel Network Global. Each Connect Group embraces the vision and the passion of the ministry and is a functional local church unit, able to meet most of the needs of every member, by emphasising Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Missions. Also, the Home Connect Groups creates an opportunity for expressions within the Family Life, Recreation, and Campus Ministries.
To find out more about the closest one to you, or if you are interested in holding one in your home, do email [email protected].
Pastoral Care Department
Every soul matter and our Pastoral Team is always on hand to attend to your needs and pray with you on specific issues as you wish. Whatever your specific needs, we want you to know that we care and want to help meet that need. If you are looking for counselling, support, and help in any specific area, please do talk to us. All your concerns will be handled confidentially and we will hope to ensure that someone is always available to pray with or visit you at home or arrange a meeting in specific situations. Please for pastoral issues, you can send an email to [email protected] and someone will attend to you as soon as possible. If you leave your telephone number, we will promptly return your call.
Children’s Ministry
Train up a child in the way s/he go; and when s/he is old, he will not depart from it (from Proverbs 22:6)
Our mission is to introduce children to Jesus Christ in a manner that transforms their lives by encouraging them to develop a personal relationship with Him through prayer and a solid foundation of biblical truths. To develop the fear of God, character, respect, discipline, and integrity in the children we serve. To raise bold children who will excel both in the Word and their studies at school, children who will be relevant to the world around them yet stand tall for Christ, being equipped leaders of tomorrow. We aim to achieve these through the use of the bible and bible-based practical teaching materials.
It is a great privilege to pray over and love every Faith Chapel Network Global child (Champions Kid). We aspire to have three to four active children groups with the Children’s Church: adequately looked after, based on their age groups: 0-1yrs 1-5yrs, 6-9yrs, 10-14yrs, and based on need. Regardless of the grouping at any current time, every child at FCNGlobal is special and we have put a high value to ensure that they do not only have fun, we also ensure they are taught the Word of God, in a way that can apply it to their everyday lives. Faith Chapel Network Global Children are taught how to be as much Champions as the adult members. Our Children’s Ministry volunteers are all CRB checked, and they are good at what they do. We recognise that the needs of these special groups, demands more physical contact, and we aim to plan their activities accordingly.
Teens & Youth Ministries
Faith Chapel Network Global Teens Ministry provides a Foundation for teaching Christian Values in a Fun and Enjoyable environment. Teens Ministry takes place about once to twice monthly and includes opportunities for practical sharing of faith in a way teenager can relate to, fun activities, sports, and music. We help them develop positive winning attitudes and become great leaders and pacesetters, for their generation.
The mission of the Youth Ministry at Faith Chapel Network Global (FCNGlobal) is to bring youths into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through exploring the Truth of God’s Word and helping them to confidently express their faith, in a way that is applicable and relevant to issues that are peculiar to this stage of life. As Christians, we are called to live according to God’s great desire for our lives. Through role-modelling, service, and Scripture, we attempt to help our youths live out their call from God to live as true Champions.
Music Ministry
At Faith Chapel Network Global, we place a great emphasis on lively, contemporary praise, worship, and great music. Our Worship team carries that emphasis as we seek to make each worship service special and devoted to honouring and worshiping God in Excellence. We are actively working to improve our skills, create meaningful and inspiring worship experiences.
Faith Chapel Network Global Worship Team seeks and exists to bring God’s people to His throne, to provide a pathway for unbelievers to see Christ, to speak through music, the arts, and Scripture, and to lift the Name of the Lord above all else.
To invite by bold example, the gathered church to genuine, full-bodied expressions of devotion to the living God, leaving space for all present, including the Holy Spirit, to respond and contribute their gifts freely.
Women’s Ministry – Women of Destiny
Women of Destiny is the Ministry initiative led aimed at providing a forum for ministry to women and engaging women to become champions of the faith. Every woman has a God-ordained path to become a Unique Vessel that will impact their families positively and raise their children in a Godly environment. Wood has the following objectives:
- Providing unique opportunities for mentorship and support for women going through different challenges whether it be in caring for their children or in developing their careers.
- Excellent Fun Events and Opportunities for Relaxation and Spiritual Rejuvenation
- Creating opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Word-Impact Sessions and Specific Events
- Teaching Women to walk in Faith and to Live a Victorious Life at all times.
For details and further information on Women of Destiny please email [email protected]
Men’s Ministry – Men of Honour
Men play very valuable and important roles in society and the church. We are raising men of value, integrity, and excellence, through personal and family role modelling, social interactions, and gender-specific training and workshop for men.
Responsibility (Romance, Obedience, Accountability, Reliability, Understanding, Vigour)
Men of Honour is the flagship name for our Men’s Ministry, and the values that we hold are exemplified above. Our activities are designed to address, reinforce and teach these values, and help our men to be responsible to themselves, their families, and their communities. Do email –, to find out about our next men’s program.
Arts and Media Ministry
The vision of the art and media ministry of Faith Chapel Network Global is to use excellent electronic, expressive talent, dance and other audio-visual, graphic or illustrative arts, print and broadcast to enhance members and guests worship of God, understanding of the scriptures and messages, and as outreach tools to better communicate the Love of God, with clarity and insight. Thus, assisting in the fulfilment of FCNGlobal’s vision of empowering people, through their interaction with various expressions of Truth and Love of the Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God. As such, the arts and media ministry form an integral part of Faith Chapel Network Global committed to exalting the Lord, educating learners, equipping leaders, and extending Christ’s Love to the people groups of all the world.
Every member of Faith Chapel Network Global is a Media Agent for the Gospel and the Church, in that they are pro-active in enhancing their image and public perception through their lifestyles. Specifically, our Media Ministry is responsible for:
- Publicity Arrangements for Events
- Graphic Design
- Social Media Management
- Media and PR
- Website Management
- Publication and Distribution of Messages and Teaching materials
The Media Ministry encompasses our, media resources, this website, social media, advertising, graphics, podcasts, and technical support in the areas of audio, video, lighting, and photography. If you have interest or skills in any of these following areas, please do get in touch with us from our Information Desk or email [email protected]
Hospitality & Protocol Teams
Our Hospitality and Protocol teams ensure the smooth running of all our in-person meetings, help to facilitate the warmth and care that is necessary for expressing the love of God to others. They provide refreshments and entertain members and guests after most of our meetings.
A church can never be too friendly, so it is important to us that our guests and members receive a special welcome. This is one form of expression of love and the FCNGlobal family values. Our members and regular attendees are important to us, as they are the ones who form the foundation for the ongoing ministry of the church.
Our Protocol Team working in tandem with our Technical Support Team also ensures that our social media meetings and platforms are functioning effectively, ensuring that all information is captured and that all attendees are connected digitally.
Prayer Ministries
Jesus said; “My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” – Isaiah 56:6. Matthew 21:13. Prayer is the key to Supernatural Impact. Our vision is to birth and enforces the perfect will of God for our members, families, guests, communities, nations, and world. So, at FCNGlobal, prayers are not ceremonies, nor rehearsed; it is our way of connecting to God and the Spiritual Resources available to us to make an impact in our lives, families, society, and other areas of reference. The word of God admonishes us to pray for those in authority and that we live in peace. So, we are passionate about praying for Presidents and Prime Ministers, their deputies, Secretary of States, ministers, members of parliaments, other government representatives and City officials, in the United Kingdom, and other countries that we are represented. We pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem, all nations represented in our congregation, and the world at large. We do this through our pre-service prayer sessions, bi-monthly Night Vigils and we are also part of various Prayer Initiatives and Collaborations within the Cities, in which we are represented. Do call to find out on current prayer updates by emailing us at [email protected]. We also include heartfelt prayers within our various Home Connect Groups or Faith Chapel Network Global, receiving testimonies of Divine Interventions in the lives of our members, and associates.
Campus Ministry – LUCC
Our Campus Ministry is in its infancy. We look forward to launching Your City University Christians Connect group. Please do email [email protected] for updates:
Although a young congregation, we have a BIG vision and network of support systems, for maximal impact within our community. That is why we have taken the initiative to embark on the Universities Campus Outreach Program – through our Mission-2 -ACHIEVE theme.
Our goal is to be a source of help and support for university students during their stay in the City. Our focus is spirituality and personal development with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we assist students to become Life Champions, empowered to ACHIEVE their goals and transform their lives and that of their Circle of Influence or Community.
The Universities Connect Groups (Your City University Christians Connect), are designed to be run by the campus students themselves, with resource support from the church. Our Connect Groups are great sources of comrade, strength, networking, brainstorming, and self-help, specific to university students, especially concerning living a focused, influential and profitable victorious Christian lives. The core values are focused on A-C-H-I-E-V-E: ATTITUDE, CONNECTION, HARD-WORK, IMPACT, ENERGY, VISION, & EXCELLENCE.
Family Life Ministry
Family Life Ministry exists in partnership with Men’s and Women’s Ministries to raise godly families who stand on Biblical truth and are committed to knowing Christ and making Him known. Our family life ministry activities are integrated with and incorporated into and functional within the Home Connect Groups. These include ministries to Couples, Singles, Single-parent families, children within various family arrangements.
Our goals are to support and equip all types of Faith Chapel Network Global and associates’ families in all stages of life with hope and strength, helping them live out Christian family lifestyles amid hostile and anti-family environments. We also aim to bring restoration and healing to broke individuals and families through a practical relationship with Jesus Christ and training in family matters, including challenging families to recognize their role in sharing the love of God, and participating in their local church and community activities and outreaches.
Benevolence Ministry (Joseph Storehouse)
The Faith Chapel Network Global Benevolence Ministry (Joseph Storehouse) is integrated with and incorporated into and function within our Missions Department. We assist those in need of food, clothing, shelter, and emergency reasonable financial assistance. A person in need is anyone who has a serious urgent necessity with no visible or viable means of immediate resolution. Benevolent help or funds are not established as a hand-out or giveaway easy help to fund or assist in the development of social and economic dependency, cigarette or drug habits, poor financial management; or intended for the cunning and the lazy individuals.
It is designed to provide any legitimate need which can be determined as such as outlined by the Word of God and sound judgment. In addition to emergency financial assistance, the Benevolence Team maintains a food and clothing bank for the express purpose of meeting the needs of the poor.
Well-being and Recreation Ministry
This ministry is also incorporated into and functional within the Home Connect Groups, Children’s, Men’s, and Women’s ministries. There are opportunities for the undertaking, indoor and outdoor Christ-centred, fun-filled activities, sports, and travels, for all age groups. These activities are holistic, helping members and associates improve their fitness while they enjoy the fellowship of others. There are other benefits, such as helping to develop a winning attitude, endurance, teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship—all while having a great time and making new friends. Well-being and Recreation Ministry provides many great ways to exercise the body as well as build character and relationships, while at the same time helping to build the Kingdom of God by using recreation and sports as ministry tools, to share the Love of God, disciple believers, facilitate worship, and encourage fellowship.
Prison & Street Ministries
We believe in the transforming power of the Gospel and the forgiving power of the Blood of Jesus, which is efficacious in eternally wiping away sins, and restoring to normal functioning individuality. Our Prison and Street Ministries are conducted in association with various para-church organisations, who have considerable and personal experience in ministering salvation, deliverance, and rehabilitation to those who are currently involved or have been involved in drug and alcohol misuse, prostitution, and those who are homeless, helping them also to engage appropriate government agencies.